Notice of Annual Meeting of Shanghai Packaging Technology Association
会 议 通 知 包机委各会员企业: 2021年转眼即将过去,面对百年疫情带来对全球经济及包装产业的挑战和机遇,以及数字经济快速发展对包装产业的影响和裂变,如何聚势创变,推动包装产业赢战变局,上海市包装技术协会包装机械专业委员会经研究决定召开“聚势创新 赢战变局 首届包装可持续发展高端论坛暨上海市包协包机委2021年会”。届时,希望包机委各会员企业领导及长三角包装行业企业家安排好工作,准时出席。 一、会议时间和地点: 会议时间:2022年2月28日(星期一) 下午 1:00分 签到 1:30分 论坛正式开始 会议地点:上海大船酒店 二楼 丽洲厅 上海市奉贤开发区南桥镇航南公路4988号 注:论坛涉及到定做服装等工作,希望各企业积极配合,将回执填写清楚,并于11月15日前将回执回复至会务组联系人。 联系人:邱人建 E-mail:13917929998@163.Com 手机: 13917929998 电话: 66081291 上海市包装技术协会 包装机械委员会 2022.2.10
Thanks to the district leaders and town leaders for the success of the yangtze river delta one network communication office service enterprise optimization and upgrading exchange meeting
Thanks to the district leaders and town leaders for the success of the yangtze river delta one network communication office service enterprise optimization and upgrading exchange meeting
General Manager of Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. and He Ping of the Commercial Office of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai held the China Investment Promotion Conference
Thanks to the leaders of the Shanghai Chartered Flight Committee and the U.S. Consulate-General in Shanghai for organizing the U.S. Investment Conference
Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. launched the first all-staff games to welcome the Winter Olympics
Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. launched the first all-staff games to welcome the Winter Olympics
On November 11, 2021, we celebrated the 17th birthday of Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd
On November 11, 2021, the 17th birthday of Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. was ushered in, and under the leadership of Guhao and Wise, it will move towards a larger world stage and future