

In June, the familiar She Shan is slowly coming back

At present, major phased results have been achieved in the Great Shanghai Defense War. Today (June 1), the city began to fully restore normal production and living order. From June 1, private cars have been able to travel normally. Driving out and in, out and in again, except for scanning the code to measure the temperature, it is the same as before. As for resident villagers going home and returning to work and returning to get off work, as long as they wear masks properly, cooperate with temperature measurement, actively scan the "place code", and light up the green code of the "carry code", they can achieve "freedom to enter and leave the community". With the smooth flow of public transportation "vessels", Sheshan's buses also "resurrected with blood" and set off on the road. Whether in the station or in the carriage, the "place code" can be seen everywhere.

June 1, 2022|

How to improve the packaging efficiency of heat shrink packaging machine and reduce the cost of factory management

The heat shrink packaging machine is a machine that must be used in the shrink packaging process of the product. The products covered by the heat shrink machine are not only more beautiful in appearance. It can also play the role of dust-proof, moisture-proof and wear-proof. However, the packaging efficiency of just one heat shrink packaging machine is not very high.

March 22, 2022|

"CIIC Committee cares about Shanghai members and sends vegetables, meat and poultry gift packages to the closed area

从3月28日开始,上海就以浦东、浦西为线相继进行封控,某些小区甚至比官宣时间更早进入居家隔离状态,到目前为止已经超过半个月了。突如其来的社区封闭管理给人民群众的工作和生活带来了巨大的困难,封控最紧张的那几日,物资滞后,餐饮方面却只能靠白米饭拌白砂糖果腹,说到这里的时候,徐会长几度哽咽,这个硬汉考虑的不是自己,他担心的是中智委所有在上海的会员单位。 上海的会员单位已经面临着如何解决吃饭这一难题,这个问题一直牵动着会长徐冰先生的心,他和中智委副会长汤永静,副会长冯海云,会员袁德锋在做好个人自身防护的基础上多次进行沟通讨论,通过徐会长多方面、多渠道沟通和协调,为上海区域内受到封控措施的会员单位采购到一批生活物资,每家会员单位一份蔬菜肉禽大礼包。礼包有老母鸡、稻田鸭、黑猪肉、土鸡蛋、面条、芹菜、葱姜蒜、香油、辣椒酱、黄瓜、水果等,这样的物质,在平日,是家里再平常不过的蔬菜肉类,但在此时封控的上海,却弥足珍贵。

April 15, 2022|

"March 8" International Working Women's Day, pay tribute to the most beautiful "you"!

春风送暖,风和日丽。 在这惠风和畅的日子里,我们迎来了第112个“三八”国际劳动妇女节。 女性能顶“半边天”! 自我司成立以来,广大女职工稳步前进,锐意进取,为实现公司高质量发展作出了积极贡献。 她们,有的 在 项目上“冲锋陷阵” 、任劳任怨 ; 她们,有的 为项目建设提供后勤保障 、默默无闻 ; 精心而耐心…… 公司这支骁勇无畏的巾帼力量,可谓是集齐了全方位人才,她们既是“花木兰”,也是“贤内助”。

March 8, 2022|

The industry 4.0 era has formed the biggest trend in the development of automatic sealing and cutting heat shrink packaging machines

Shrinking machine is a kind of highly automated equipment. This product is widely used in pharmaceuticals, food and beverages and household chemicals. The application of shrink film packaging machine can greatly reduce the material and labor costs of box packaging, which is of great economic significance. Therefore, the market development of heat shrinkable machines has great potential. The realization of the greatest common divisor can create better development opportunities for enterprises and create higher economic benefits for customers, and achieve the development of killing two birds with one stone.

March 22, 2022|
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