China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association came to our company for investigation and research
China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association came to our company for investigation and research
Our company won the 2020 Technology Innovation Award of the Charter Committee
Our company won the 2020 Technology Innovation Award of the Charter Committee
KuKO brand was honored to be selected as one of the top ten brands of packaging machinery in China
In November 2020, Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. was selected as one of the top ten brands of China's packaging machinery in the national industry top ten brand promotion activities!
2020 Shanghai International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Exhibition
2020上海国际食品加工与包装机械展览会 (ProPak & FoodPack China 2020),于11月25日在国家会展中心(上海)盛大开幕,展会为期三天, 凝聚了产业合力,并再一次向世界呈现中国加工包装产业及市场的蓬勃活力与发展潜力。
The first council of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of the Chamber of Commerce of Sheshan Town, Songjiang District
10月21日上午,佘山镇商会青年创业者联谊会第一次会员大会召开(以下简称佘山镇商会青创联)。松江区委统战部副部长、区工商联党组书记杨仁娟应邀出席会议。 镇党委副书记、镇商会名誉会长徐渊,镇党委委员、镇商会秘书长王娴君出席会议。镇商会青创联会员、镇商会理事会会员,相关职能部门及镇属公司负责人等70余人参加会议。 上海固好包装机械有限公司总经理 冯海云 先生当选为第一届理事会理事。