Shanghai Guhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 with a registered capital of 50 million yuan, and the company headquarters is located in Sheshan Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai. In 2006, one set of German IPG high-precision laser sheet metal cutting machine was also equipped with two sets of servo high-precision imported bending machine, and a total of more than 8 million yuan was invested to improve product quality and efficiency. In 2008, the international market changes, the rapid development of the market and the increase in rent costs, in order to reduce costs, the company invested 20 mu of industrial land in Kunshan Zhouzhuang Industrial Park, China's first water town, 40 kilometers away from Shanghai, invested 30 million yuan to establish Kunshan Xinguhao Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., in the five years from 2009 to 2014 successively completed the investment plant, construction and decoration of the factory area of 18,000 square meters. In order to meet the company's growing production and development of global market needs, in 2019-2020, it invested 30 mu of industrial land in Sheshan Industrial Zone, Songjiang District, Shanghai, and invested 100 million yuan to establish a global sales base for production and R&D.
我司在过去发展的18年中陆续被上海市政府认定为上海市高新技术企业、上海市专精特新企业,上海市重信用守合同企业、上海市和谐劳动关系达标企业、上海市佘山镇青年创业理事单位、区小巨人企业、上海市安全生产标准化三级企业,中国包装机械十大品牌。陆续通过了ISO9001认证、欧盟CE认证、符合美国UL认证、上海市包机委五星好评和中国智能包装委员会副会长单位等多项证书,并且有多项发明专利和几十项实用新型专利,并与国内外众多知名企业(如Sealed Air, 3M, P & G, COSMAX, WATSONS, Control 4, Knowles Electronics, Danfoss, TAPAL TEA, 绿箭, 品渥, 强生, 小米,菜鸟 , 天猫, 宝洁, 蜂 花, 德芙, 京东, 欧莱雅, 中外运,富士康, 碧桂园, 麦德龙, 吉博力, 今麦郎,雷允上,宁德时代, 伊利集团, 三只松鼠, 现代筑美, 水星家纺,顺丰快递,昂立股份,延安药业 ,松下电子,玛氏集团,海亮集团 , 欧派股份, 灯塔水母, 凯大集团, 梦天门业,现代筑美 ,茉织华股份,盛大印刷, 正大集团, 绿岛椰谷,呜龙茶叶,英科集团,正特股份,中国邮政, , 跨越集团, 春强农业,寿光蔬菜集团,德邦物流, 奥特维股份, 喜临门家具,德力西集团,美馨卫生用品,艾欧史密斯,贵州金窖酒业,稳健医疗股份 , 番茄云文化, 盒马生鲜等)成功合作,并且与周总理的故乡淮安信息大学和江苏电子学校深度开展企校研合作与院校提供学生就业和免费实习实践的平台,目的是帮助客户提高工作效率,节省人力物力,降低企业生产成本。目前公司主要以全自动套膜封切热收缩包装机产品系列为主产品分为低、中、高速等二百多种系列化产品类型。我们把作品当人品,用这种态度去给客户做事情,从最初的把一台热收缩包装机做好,到把全自动套膜机做好,把配套非标输送线体做好和后段集成研发为发展方向。把设备24小时不间断生产最好,把软件MES系统和集成对接做好,把欧盟CE标准做好,把美国UL要求做好,把客户服务满意度做好,固好所有成员本职工作做好等等就这么以善意的执念把我们对完美的追求做到极致,让每一件作品都赢得了客户的信任.成功地为各行业提供了完整的套膜封切收缩包装解决方案,深得广大客户的信赖并积累了丰富的行业经验,是名副其实的套膜收缩包装机械行业最具国际竞争力的专业知名的全球高端供应商.
We firmly believe: "People want clothes and goods want hardcover". Solid product adherence: The five leading tenets of ingenious design, mechanized production, modular assembly, standardized debugging, and foolish maintenance!
Guhao people's entrepreneurial spirit is: Integrity first. The company advocates the principle of "customer first", all equipment design is based on the interests of customers, constantly absorb customer feedback, and improve the company's products according to their opinions; at the same time, if your company has special requirements, our company is also willing to customize for you Satisfied with mechanical products. All our products will be provided with a one-year free warranty period and lifetime maintenance services for the machine. Guhao company also provides innovative technology, ingenious quality, intelligent packaging products, solutions and services, and comprehensively assists customers, enterprises and employees to achieve their dreams.